1·Then prove establish procedure of partnership, supplier of E-SCM, E-SCM supplier choose the course 5 stages in partner.
然后说明了建立E - SCM供应商伙伴关系的流程,E - SCM供应商伙伴的五阶段选择过程。
2·We establish a subject that we will discuss throughout the procedure.
3·The application invoking the stored procedure will establish the connection prior to invoking the procedure.
4·This article assumes you have some familiarity with XML; but in order to better demonstrate the purpose of each stored procedure, let's establish a few concepts.
本文假设您熟悉 XML;但是为了更好地说明每个存储过程的用途,我们先来明确几个概念
5·Now when performing the LOAD FROM CURSOR operation within the stored procedure, DB2 tries to establish the remote connection to database SAMPLE with the authorization ID of the local user.
在存储过程中执行 LOAD FROM CURSOR 操作时,DB2 尝试用本地用户的授权 ID 连接远程数据库 SAMPLE。
6·To establish public lawsuit procedure, the first problem we should solve is how to establish the qualification for the main body of the public lawsuit plaintiff.
7·Be responsible for establishing and improving quality guarantee system, formulating and organizing company quality schema, reinforce quality management system and establish quality control procedure.
8·The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure to create, update and control the documented information associated with the environmental management system.
9·The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
10·Establish a documented procedure for the inspection and identification of Hazardous substances included in purchased goods.